So your relationship is a long way from dreamy, and you’re thinking your husband or wife doesn’t deserve a Valentine this year. You’re just not feeling it. Sending a hearts-and-flowers card would be fake, and might convey that he or she is off the hook for more than a few things you’re not too…Read more
Are those real couples in the Vows column?
So every Sunday morning you download the Times, scan the Top News and Most E-Mailed sections, and then turn to your two favorite lighthearted parts of the paper: Real Estate and Weddings/Celebrations. Okay, so let’s talk about the Vows column. What couple, you wonder, can possibly sustain such an incredible assortment of creative, professional and…Read more
Turned Off by the Shutdown? A Mental Health Perspective
The Washington Post called to interview me this week on how a marriage counselor sees the Congressional impasse. When it comes to major conflict, both couples and government officials are most effective when they: 1. Refrain from blaming; 2. Focus on creating a shared future; 3. Avoid seeking advice from people who are more likely…Read more
Solve all your problems by moving?
Tempting to imagine, right? Escape from all the pressures of the city and you’d find work life integration at last? Hope you’ll take a look at the latest post on my Slow Marriage blog for some thoughts after a recent trip to the beautiful Southwest.
What Makes a Marriage Feel like a Dance?
Or what’s the difference between a happy marriage and a Volvo? Hope you’ll take a look at my latest post on the Slow Marriage blog and find the answer. Hint: it has something to do with pioneering research on flow. .