Breathe Life and Trust Back into Your Relationship
Couples Therapy in New York
Hard to Believe it Can Hurt This Bad
Everyone said you were a great match.
But your partner has stepped out of your relationship.
Now that just sounds like a bad joke.
The hurt is so deep
You may never trust again.
Where Do We Go from Here?
You used to have an energy together,
A magnetic attraction from the very beginning.
You don’t even know who your partner is anymore.
Everything feels broken.
In your worst moments, you even blame yourself.
This Isn’t the Time to Just Keep It Moving
Even if you could, it‘s not realistic or fair.
If you keep your head down and muddle through
You’ll just bury the hurt.
Give yourself grace.
Now is the time to do the delicate work of healing.
We’ll Build on Your Strengths
This is rocky terrain.
You need an experienced, supportive guide who knows the ups and downs.
I won’t just sit and nod while you argue.
You’ll get the active coaching, research findings, and practical tools you need to rebuild your relationship from the strength of its foundations.
I’ll be here for you with support every step of the way.
Make This Painful Moment a New Beginning
Over the past 25 years I’ve helped hundreds of couples find their way forward after infidelity.
Let me help you rebuild.
Send me your name and contact info on the form below, and I’ll reach out within 24 hours.
Or call me at (646) 801-8550.